

  • abi.encode only deals with 32 byte data

function abiEncode() external {
        bytes32 x40;
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40);
        abi.encode(uint256(5), uint256(19)); // needs to store the length of the data that follows, along with the variables
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40); ; // returns 0xe0 instead, which is 32 bytes into the future

    function abiEncode2() external {
        bytes32 x40;
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40);
        abi.encode(uint256(5), uint128(19)); 
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40); // still returns 0xe0 
  • abi.encodePacked - will try and make the values as short as possible

function abiEncodePacked() external {
        bytes32 x40;
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40); // 0x80 
        abi.encodePacked(uint256(5), uint128(19));
        assembly {
            x40 := mload(0x40)
        emit MemoryPointer(x40); // 0xd0 

// 0xd0 - 0x80 = 80 -> 32 + 32 + 16 

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