Group Theory
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Groth16 - most widely used although it came out in 2016 (tornado cash)
goal - tornado cash verifier contract
groth 16 only requires 4 heavy math operations - most practical on blockchain
new ones are either quantum resistant or dont require trusted setup
if something is a group, binary operator will never leave that set
binary operators - addition, multiplication etc. between two numbers
only have 1 binary operator - closed, associative
e.g. multiplication over a set of vectors is not closed because the result vector is not of the same dimensions
division over vectors also not closed because we may up end with fractions
associative - can ignore parentheses/order of executing operations
exists an identity element
exists an inverse (groups without inverses are called monoids)
a group of strings do not have inverses (bc infinite field)
Elliptic curves are a group
because it only has addition, no multiplication (basically repeated additional/scalar multiplication)
cyclic groups have an additional condition - existence of a generator
most integers are cyclic groups - can all be multiplied by 1
rings - groups with more restrictions
must be abelian under the group’s binary operator (commutative)
must have a second closed and associative binary operator
has to exist an identity element, but not an inverse
technically polynomials are rings (kiv)
if you’re adding polynomials, what is the identity element - polynomial of zero degree (coefficient zero)
identity element for multiplication - 1
polynomials with positive degree have no inverse under multiplication
because we cannot do negative degree polynomials
they have an inverse under addition because we can just flip the coefficients
finite field - number of elements are finite
prime field - a set of prime numbers
a map between two groups - ring & ring, or field & field
exists some transformation that phi of elements in a with their binary operator is equal to phi of the other
homomorphic encryption - encrypt private data
a lot of transformations are not input preserving
keccak256 is not structure preserving - hash(2) + hash(5) =/= hash(7)
because hashes basically destroy information
field homomorphism
map any integer to integer modulo prime
the set of rational numbers is also a field homomorphism
for any two rational numbers, their binary operators will produce the same modulo inside of the prime field
prime field → integers modulo prime
we can go from Z to Zp but not in the reverse direction, since there will be many Zs that map to one Zp
if you can go backwards, it’ll be called an isomorphism
discrete log
we can compute $g^n mod p$ , but not the other way round
g and p have to be chosen very carefully, and be very large numbers
quantum computers could potentially invert big log numbers in future
constructing a simple zk proof
homomorphic multiplication
injective homomorphism